About Us

The Higher Graphics Advantage

Reasons why should you trust Higher Graphics for your aviation decal needs
  1. We have extensive experience with Aviation decals. We work with you, referencing the latest FAA Airworthiness Directives (ADs) and your pilot's handbook to ensure that all mandatory placards for your aircraft are supplied with the order of a full interior or exterior kit.
      Most of our competitors lack our deep aviation knowledge.
  2. At our website, you can actually see the decals you are ordering.    Most of our competitors hide their designs from you; ours are out in the open.
  3. Our decals can be ordered in many different colors.   Click here to see a palette.   
  4. We use high quality 3M Scotchcal Series 220 vinyl, which is rated for 5-8 years.
  5. We coat our printed decals with a special U-V protectant for even greater durability.
  6. If you only need some of the decals from an interior or exterior kit, we will break up the kit, saving you money.
  7. Every order is made to customer specifications.    Most of our competitors sell kits with a hodgepodge of numbers, forcing you to make your own fuel and oil capacity, tire pressure, and other alphanumeric labels - but not Higher Graphics.    We create the decals with the correct values for you when we manufacture them, saving you a step and creating a perfectly aligned decal.
  8. Custom orders are our specialty. We will create your custom decal at a mass production price.    Most companies force the first customer for a decal set to pay setup costs - but not Higher Graphics.    For non-exclusive original designs, you pay the same price you would for an existing design.
This is the Higher Graphics Advantage.

About The Company

Higher Graphics was started by Steve Graves, an electrical engineer with thirty years of experience in the field.    Steve is a lifelong aviation enthusiast who looks forward to helping you with your decal needs.

Higher Graphics was proceeded by Aero D'cals, a company started by Steve's mentor Phil Waldman. In 2006, Phil was planning on retiring. At that time, Higher Graphics was started and took over much of the Aero D'cals' business. Phil's main business was ferrying aircraft all over the world. He also had a paint shop and would create decal kits for various aircraft as he would renovate them for his customers. Phil started doing this in the 1970s and 1980s. Higher Graphics is the beneficiary of Phil's years of creating decal kits and his years of experience in the Aviation industry.

Steve began has career in the 1970s working in the Aviation industry. In the 1980s when the Aviation industry went through some difficult times he switched to Radio Communications. In the 1990s, he transitioned to the Telecommunications industry, mainly writing software for networking equipment. Steve is using his experience in these fields to create a company that uses technology to be more flexible and to give the customers custom and semi-custom decals and decal kits at a reasonable price.

In 2009, Steve was joined by Karen DePatra as the Office Manager for Higher Graphics. Karen is also an aviation enthusiast. In fact, Steve and Karen attended ground school together in the 1970s. Karen has managed offices in various industries, primarily the construction industry early in her career. More recently, her experience has been in the sign making industry. The sign industry uses the same technology as the decal industry, so Karen's experience is a perfect fit for Higher Graphics.

Steve and Karen grew up in Lakeland, FL, home to the Sun N' Fun Fly-in. Steve grew up around aircraft his entire life. His Dad owned a Piper Cub when he was young. His good friends were the Hendersons. Billy Henderson was one of the people who were instrumental in creating Sun N' Fun. His son, Arthur Henderson ran the Sun N' Fun Air Museum for many years.

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